Communication n. 3

Collevalenza, January 13, 2022

January 11, 12 and 13 in the three groups of study the assembly started to analyze the themes of Formation, the priestly mission and the youth and vocation ministry.

Fr. Paulo, Don Alessandro and Fr. Sante have presented the pre-chapter works of the commissions. Then the chapter confreres divided themselves into four subgroups to begin the actual discussion of what they received from the commissions.

At the end of each work in the study group we meet in the assembly for discussion, questions and interventions in the assembly.

Lunch and dinner are an opportunity to renew wishes for anniversaries and birthdays in particular for Don Davide, priest of the diocese of Foligno who is undergoing a trial period as SDFAM in the community of the .

The evening prayer concludes each day for the capitulars. Not so for the secretaries of the groups and the secretaries of the chapter, who with painstaking patience must examine, after dinner, the results of the afternoon work and summarize them for the next day.

We join the Handmaids of Merciful Love in prayer of suffrage for the death of our sister Josefina Marimon and with a heart full of gratitude we welcome our two Indian sisters who made their first religious profession.